
Welcome to the Cookies Policy of, your trusted real estate platform based in the Republic of Cyprus ("the Platform"). Prioritizing our users' privacy, we steadfastly uphold the confidentiality, integrity, and security of every piece of information gathered through our platform.

This Cookies Policy provides clear insights into our procedures for collecting, using, sharing, and safeguarding user data. Furthermore, it elaborates on the rights and options available to our users concerning their personal data. By navigating our platform, you signify your agreement to the stipulations of Privacy Policy, our Terms and Conditions, adn this Cookies Policy, and any other relevant terms. Should you have queries or uncertainties about this policy, kindly reach out to us at [info [at] realty. com. cy].

Our last policy revision occurred in August 2023. We periodically refresh its content in alignment with platform enhancements or legal amendments. We encourage you to review it routinely to remain informed about how we manage and protect your data. View our Privacy Policy.

Platform Administration

RimaTech Ltd, a company duly registered in Cyprus with registration number HE 439114, manages the platform. This Cookies Policy details the methods RimaTech Ltd ("we" or "us") employs to gather, utilize, process, and divulge information. This includes personal data (“personal information”) that identifies and is associated with you (“you”). Here, "you" refers to either a general user of the platform or a listing user (someone who advertises properties on our platform), corresponding to your interactions with the platform.

Cookies Policy

As you explore our platform, we utilize advanced data collection tools to gather specific details about your device and how you interact with our site. This encompasses data like your IP address, your browser and operating system types, the webpage that led you to us, your site activity, your mobile provider, device details, and your search queries, among others. We utilize this data to offer an enriched user experience and refine our platform's functionality.

In simpler terms, when you drop by our platform, we'll place cookies or similar tracking tools on your computer or other devices. These tools also help us understand your online behavior across various websites, which is commonly known as "interest-based advertising." The tools in our arsenal include but aren't limited to cookies, web beacons, and analytics tools.

This Cookie Policy breaks down:

  1. What Types of Cookies We Use and Why: An explanation of the different cookies and tracking technologies we use and their purpose.
  2. Your Choices: Guiding you on how you can have a say about the types of cookies we place on your devices.

When we mention "personal data" or "personal information" in this policy, we're referring to information that can directly identify you, like your name, or indirectly, such as your IP address.

What Exactly Are Cookies?

Think of a "cookie" as a tiny digital note that's saved onto your computer, smartphone, tablet, or any other device you use when you visit a website or an app. The magic of cookies lies in their ability to remember. When you visit the platform again, this note (or cookie) reminds the site about your device.

There are two main flavors of cookies:

  1. Session Cookies: These are the forgetful ones. They stick around only as long as your browser is open. As soon as you close it, they vanish. This means, when you return to the platform, it might not recall your last visit. If there's a login involved, you'd have to do it again or reset any unique preferences you may have set earlier.
  2. Persistent Cookies: These are the long-term memory champs. They reside in your device for a set duration – sometimes a few minutes, sometimes years. Their purpose? To remember you when you revisit, ensuring a more personalized experience.

At RimaTech Ltd, we play with both these cookie types to enhance your journey on our platform.

For a deeper dive into the world of cookies, swing by

Why We Use Cookies

Imagine walking into your favorite café, and the barista remembers just how you like your coffee. That's the experience we're aiming for with cookies.

Cookies help us to:

  1. Know Our Users: It's like a digital handshake. When you visit our platform, cookies help us recognize you, ensuring a more tailored and personal browsing experience. .
  2. Optimize and Enhance: By understanding typical user behavior on our platform, we're better equipped to streamline navigation, refine content, and make your visits more enjoyable. .
  3. Gather Device Insights: When you swing by our platform, we get a sneak peek into the tech you're using. Whether it's your operating system, browser type, or even your IP address – this data, while always treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality, guides us in enhancing our platform's compatibility and performance. .
  4. Analytical Feedback: Think of this as a virtual suggestion box. Through the statistical insights derived from cookies, we can identify trends, preferences, and areas of improvement, all aimed at serving you better. .

Without these trusty cookies by our side, the platform experience might feel a little less personal and a tad more generic. And that's not what we're going for. So, here's to smoother, smarter, and more efficient browsing!

Understanding Our Use of Cookies

Imagine walking into a café, and before you utter a word, the barista starts preparing your favorite brew. That's the kind of tailored experience we're aiming to provide with the help of cookies.

Here's a deeper dive into why we employ these digital tools:

  1. Customized Browsing: Whether you're on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, our platform optimizes your experience based on the device you're using. This includes tweaking the display resolution, ensuring compatibility, and offering a seamless browsing experience tailored to your device’s nuances. .
  2. Safety First: In the vast realm of the internet, ensuring a secure online environment is paramount. Our cookies play a crucial role in detecting potential fraud, upholding stringent security measures, and ensuring your online activities remain safe and uninterrupted. .
  3. A Personal Touch: Through cookies, we gather insights into your preferences and behaviors, allowing us to serve tailored content and ads both on our platform and elsewhere. By understanding your preferences, we aim to show content (like advertisements) that is more attuned to your interests. .
  4. Boosting Performance: Our commitment is to offer an efficient and effective online platform. By tracking website metrics and user interactions, cookies help us identify areas of improvement, ensuring a smoother and more intuitive browsing experience. .
  5. Regulations & Compliance: Beyond enhancing user experience, cookies also play a role in regulatory compliance, ensuring that our platform adheres to the necessary standards and regulations. .
  6. Enhancing Relevance: At the heart of our cookie use is an endeavor to make the platform ever more pertinent to you. By understanding your browsing habits, preferences, and interactions, we aim to refine our offerings and serve content that genuinely resonates. .

To put it succinctly, our cookies aren't just tiny digital files; they're the bridge to a more personalized, safe, and efficient digital experience at the platform.

Demystifying Cookie Categories

Let's embark on a virtual journey to understand the different types of cookies and their roles:

Duration-Based Classification:

  1. Session Cookies: Think of these as your temporary travel companions while you're navigating our platform. Their stay is short-lived, accompanying you only until you close the browser. Their primary role? Remembering your actions on the prior page so you don’t have to re-input information, making your journey smooth and hassle-free.
  2. Persistent Cookies: These are your long-term friends, sticking around even after you've said goodbye to our platform. They reside in the cozy corners of your browser's subfolders, either until they decide to retire (expire) or until you decide to part ways (delete them). Their mission? Recognizing you when you return, ensuring consistency and familiarity in your browsing experience.

Purpose-Based Classification:

a. Necessary/Essential Cookies: Just as you need air to breathe, our platform needs these cookies to function optimally. Their job is pivotal:

  • Authentication: They're the bouncers, checking your ID (so to speak), ensuring you're granted access and remembered throughout your journey on the platform.
  • Security: In a world teeming with online threats, they're the guardians keeping malicious activity at bay, ensuring a safe browsing environment.
  • Human vs. Bot: Ever felt like you're being watched by robots online? These cookies are skilled at differentiating between real users like you and automated bots.
  • Cookie Preferences: Respect for choices is key. These cookies remember and honor your preferences regarding the usage of other cookies. .

To visualize it, think of our platform as a gourmet restaurant. The session cookies are the waiters remembering your drink order, the persistent cookies are the chefs perfecting your favorite dish every time you return, and the essential cookies are the foundation – the infrastructure, security, and ambiance ensuring you have an exceptional dining experience.

Decoding the Cookie: 'realty_sessions'

Cookie Name: 'realty_sessions'


Type: Session Cookie

Expiration: 1 day

What does this mean?

Whenever you visit, the website serves you a small packet of data named 'realty_sessions'. Think of this as a digital name tag. As you navigate through the website, this tag helps the website remember your actions, preferences, or login state.

Since it's a session cookie, it's temporary in nature. Just like a day-pass at a conference, this cookie is valid only for the duration of your visit (in this case, up to a day). After this time, or when you close your browser, this cookie will expire and be automatically removed.

In essence, the 'realty_sessions' cookie ensures you have a smooth, consistent experience while you’re on, without you having to re-enter information or set preferences every time you open a new page. It's the website's way of saying, "I remember you, and I'm adjusting myself to cater to your preferences!"

  • Cookie Name: XSRF-TOKEN
  • Domain:
  • Type: Session Cookie
  • Expiration: 1 day

Understanding the XSRF-TOKEN Cookie:

  1. What is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)?

    CSRF is a malicious technique that deceives a web application into executing unwanted actions on behalf of an authenticated user. In simpler terms, CSRF tricks users into performing unintended actions on web platforms where they're authenticated. This is dangerous because, during an attack, the victim is usually unaware they are being exploited.

    For instance, consider a scenario where a user is logged into their online banking platform. Simultaneously, they accidentally visit a malicious site that has a hidden script. This script can initiate a funds transfer from the victim's bank account to the hacker's account. If the bank's platform lacks CSRF protection, the malicious action can proceed without the user's awareness.

  2. The Role of the XSRF-TOKEN:

    To counteract CSRF threats, many web applications utilize a method known as the "synchronizer token pattern". Here's a concise breakdown:

    • Upon user login or accessing a specific web application, the server generates a unique and unpredictable token, sending it to the client side.
    • This token gets stored as a cookie with the name XSRF-TOKEN.
    • For subsequent critical actions or requests (like modifying user details or conducting a transaction), the client is required to send this token back to the server, generally within an HTTP header.
    • The server then validates whether the sent token corresponds with the XSRF-TOKEN cookie. If there's a match, the request proceeds; if not, the request is halted.

    The principle behind this mechanism is straightforward: while a malevolent site could initiate requests on behalf of an unsuspecting victim (given cookies' automatic transmission nature), it won't possess the exact value of the XSRF-TOKEN. This means the attacker's site would struggle to send the necessary header, thereby neutralizing the attack.

b.Statistics/Analytics Cookies

What are they? Statistics or Analytics cookies play the role of the observant researcher. They quietly gather data about how users move through the platform, noting trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. They’re the detectives of the digital world, piecing together the story of a website’s user experience.

How do they work? When you journey through various sections of our platform, these cookies take notes. They log the pages you visit most often, the content you interact with, and the time you spend on specific sections. They track clicks, scrolls, and even your pauses. But, importantly, they respect your identity. They're not interested in who you are, but rather in what you do. This means the data they collect is grouped together with information from other users, ensuring complete anonymity.

Why are they valuable? The insights gathered from these cookies allow us to:

  1. Understand User Behavior: We can see which parts of the platform are most engaging, which sections might be causing confusion, and where users tend to drop off.
  2. Performance Checks: These cookies help gauge the platform's speed and responsiveness, ensuring a seamless experience for users.
  3. A/B Testing: Before rolling out new features or changes, we can use analytics data to test these updates on a subset of users, noting their response.
  4. Global Insight: We get a picture of how our platform is performing globally, revealing regional trends or connectivity issues.

External Tools: While we may use our proprietary tools for collecting this data, sometimes third-party analytics tools might also be employed. These tools, such as Google Analytics, follow strict guidelines and ensure data privacy.

Think of these cookies as the feedback form you'd fill out after attending an event. Your responses, combined with others, help the organizers understand what went well and where they can do better, but without revealing who specifically said what. Your privacy remains intact while we strive to optimize our platform based on the collective experiences of our users.

Details of the Cookie:

Name: _ga

Type: Third Party Cookie


Purpose: The _ga cookie is associated with Google Analytics. Its main function is to distinguish users by assigning them a randomly generated number as an identifier. This helps calculate data pertaining to visitors, sessions, and campaigns. Furthermore, it plays a pivotal role in generating the platform's analytics reports by tracking how the site is used. The vital aspect of this cookie is its ability to gather data without compromising a visitor's anonymity.

Data Stored: This cookie doesn't store personal information like names or addresses. Instead, it retains data in an anonymous format and uses a unique number to identify individual visitors.

Expiration: This cookie has a lifespan of 1 year. This means that, from the moment it’s installed, it will keep its data for 365 days before it’s automatically deleted. If a user revisits the website within that year, the expiration might reset, depending on the configuration of Google Analytics for the site.

Additional Note: Being a third-party cookie means that it's managed by an external entity, in this case, Google Analytics. Users concerned about their data privacy can manage or opt-out of Google Analytics tracking directly through Google's settings or using browser plugins designed for this purpose.

Name: _gid

Type: Third Party Cookie


Purpose: The _gid cookie is a part of the Google Analytics suite. Its primary function is to keep track of user behavior on the website. It gathers data about the way visitors interact with the website, including which pages they visit, where they were referred from, and how many times they visit. This data is crucial for generating an analytics report, which provides insights into the website's performance and areas for improvement.

Data Stored: The _gid cookie doesn’t retain personally identifiable details such as names or physical addresses. Instead, it collects data in an anonymous format, including the number of visitors, the source of their referral (e.g., from a search engine or a direct link), and the pages they viewed.

Expiration: The lifespan of the _gid cookie is short, expiring after 1 day. This means that 24 hours after the cookie is set, it will be automatically deleted. If a user returns to the website within that timeframe, the cookie will be reset for another 24 hours, depending on the website's Google Analytics configuration.

Additional Note: As a third-party cookie managed by Google Analytics, it's important to understand that while the data is beneficial for website improvement, user privacy is a concern. Users have the option to manage or opt-out of Google Analytics tracking directly via Google's settings or by utilizing browser extensions designed for this purpose.

c. Functionality/Preferences Cookies (Optimizing Your Experience): Currently, we don't use these cookies on our platform.

These cookies enhance your browsing experience by remembering your preferences and customizing the platform accordingly. Without them, we wouldn't be able to recall your preferences or tailor your online interactions. Specifically, these cookies help us:

  • Speed up your login process by identifying you when you're logged into the platform.
  • Recall pertinent details as you navigate from one page to another, eliminating the need for repeated input of the same details (such as language selection, volume level, or viewing mode).

d. Marketing/Targeting Cookies (Personalizing Your Ad Experience): Currently, we aren't using these cookies on our platform.

These cookies, often sourced from our marketing partners, help deliver more relevant advertisements to you, both on our platform and elsewhere online. They function by tracking your navigation across our platform, registering the pages you've viewed, and the links you've clicked on.

If you'd prefer to avoid these tracking cookies, you can usually disable them via your browser's security settings. Some of the third-party companies we've collaborated with in the past for these purposes include Google and Facebook, among others.

First-Party vs. Third-Party Cookies: Understanding the Difference

First-party cookies are those set by the website you're currently on. Think of these as our platform's personal touchpoints, tailored for your experience.

Third-party cookies, on the other hand, have a broader reach. They come from external entities that offer various services on our platform. This might include analytics, advertisements (which we currently don't use), and content from other application providers (again, not currently in use on our platform).

Take Facebook as an example. They, or other third-party entities, might use their cookies (possibly combined with other tech tools like web beacons or pixels) to gather information about your platform interactions. We don't have direct control over how these cookies operate.

These third-party partners primarily use their technologies to:

  1. Analyze your platform usage, even identifying if you've been referred from another service.
  2. Personalize advertisements for you on our platform and elsewhere.
  3. Help us spot and fend off any fraudulent activities.
  4. Keep track of your activities, including which ads capture your attention.

A prime example is our collaboration with Google Analytics to enhance our understanding of user behavior on our platform.

Moreover, entities like Facebook might use these tracking tools to show ads they think will resonate with you, besides gauging how effective these ads are on our and other platforms. Some known players in this domain include Google and other ad networks we occasionally partner with.

Importantly, we want to emphasize that we don't directly share your personal data with these third-party entities. However, they might still collect details such as your IP address, browser specifics, location, and device attributes to tailor ads or content that align with your interests. Their tracking methodologies and intentions are beyond our immediate control.

Wondering how you can avoid targeted advertising? For more detailed instructions on this and how we handle your data, kindly refer to our Privacy Policy and the section titled “Understanding Your Rights as a Data Subject” within our Privacy Policy.

Lastly, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the privacy and cookie policies of any third-party sites you visit. While they might offer intriguing content, we can't vouch for their practices or be held responsible for their content.

Important Points to Remember About Cookies:

Multi-Functional Cookies: Some of the cookies we use have multiple functions. Rest assured, we will only utilize them for their primary purposes unless you've explicitly given permission for their other uses.

Pre-existing Cookies on Your Device: Deciding to deactivate certain cookies won't automatically remove the ones already saved on your device. Even though we'll cease to collect new data, we might still use the data previously gathered.

Adjusting Cookie Preferences in Your Browser: You have the option to deactivate or remove cookies directly in your browser settings. However, it's essential to understand that doing so might impact not just our platform but also other websites that use cookies similar to ours.

Understanding Server Logs and Other Technologies

We gather a variety of data through server logs and other tools. This includes details about your device, such as the type of device you're using, its operating system, browser type, domain, and other related system configurations. Additionally, we take note of the language settings on your device, its geographical location, and the time zone it operates in.

Another critical piece of information we record from server logs is your device's IP address. An IP address acts as a unique code that devices use to identify and engage with each other over the internet.

We might also capture data regarding which website directed you to ours and where you head after leaving our site. All these measures are in place to enhance your user experience and optimize the quality of our services.

Information Related to Your Device

We might leverage data related to your device to verify user identities. For instance, to recognize the device accessing the platform, we might utilize your IP address, specifics of your browser, or any other relevant details your device or browser may offer. Additionally, these techniques allow us to connect you with various devices you might utilize to engage with our content. This is also instrumental for safeguarding against fraud and to enhance the precision of our advertising efforts.

Usage of Third Party Code Snippets (Tags)

Tags represent compact code segments that serve multiple purposes, from monitoring web traffic and visitor patterns to evaluating the efficacy of digital advertisements and social media platforms. They also assist in setting up retargeting strategies, categorizing audiences, and optimizing and testing websites.

At RimaTech Ltd, we employ the Google Tag Manager—a tool provided by Google. This tool empowers us to control website tags, which include components like Google Analytics and various other Google marketing tools, through a singular interface. Notably, while the Tag Manager administers the tags, it doesn't analyze users' private information directly. If a user opts out, the Google Tag Manager respects that decision. For a more comprehensive understanding of how personal data is managed in this context, kindly refer to Google’s official documentation here: Google Tag Manager's usage policy.

Managing Cookies on

Cookies enhance your browsing experience on the platform. Nevertheless, you have the option to configure your browser to either decline or accept them. Each browser is unique, so refer to its “help” section for guidance on managing cookie settings. At any moment, you can choose to decline or remove cookies on the platform.

During your inaugural visit to the platform, a notification appeared, making you aware of our cookie usage. While this alert typically won't recur on future visits, you have the autonomy to revoke your consent for cookies. This can be done by modifying your browser or device settings. We never mandate cookie acceptance. You can retract your permission for our cookie use anytime by tweaking your browser’s privacy options.

However, do note: if you choose to decline or erase cookies, certain features on the platform might become inoperative, potentially impeding your access or hampering your user experience. Unless you've configured your browser to refuse cookies, they'll be activated or reactivated when you visit the platform. If, after declining or erasing cookies, you decide to accept them, simply adjust your browser preferences and resume your activity on the platform. Furthermore, to opt out of third-party cookies, consult the respective third party's privacy guidelines for instructions.

Managing Cookies and Online Tracking

Mobile Devices: On mobile devices, you have the option to avoid online behavioral advertising. For Apple devices like iPhone or iPad, choose 'Limit Ad Tracking' in the Settings. For Android devices, pick 'Opt out of interest-based ads' in the Settings. Both Apple and Android devices allow you to reset your unique identifier used for such advertising, known as the 'Advertising ID', through their respective settings. For detailed procedures, consult your device’s user manual.

Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA) Cookies: If third-party cookies, particularly those from advertisers, concern you, you can disable them. Explore Your Online Choices, the Network Advertising Initiative's opt-out page, or the Digital Advertising Alliance's opt-out page.

Your Online Choices

Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page

Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page

Web-Beacons: Web-beacons, which are tiny graphics that track your site or email behaviors, can typically be deactivated by altering your browser's cookie configurations and your ad preferences. In emails, disable images in your email client or view emails in 'text' mode instead of 'HTML'. Check your email client's 'Help' section or visit the All About Cookies website for comprehensive guidance.

All About Cookies

Industry Trade Bodies: For more control over third-party online advertising preferences, the Network Advertising Initiative and the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page serve as valuable resources.

Network Advertising Initiative

Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page.

Managing Cookies on Different Browsers

For a detailed guide on how to manage cookies on various browsers, please refer to the help sections provided by each browser's developer. Click on the browser name below to be directed to its respective guide:

Remember, adjusting your cookie settings might impact how you experience certain websites, potentially limiting certain functionalities.

Managing Your Privacy: How to Opt-Out

  1. Google Analytics: If you'd like to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on your browsing behavior, consider using the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on.
  2. Targeting & Advertising Cookies: If targeted ads aren't for you, there are multiple avenues to opt-out:
  3. Google Ads: For users who wish to customize or opt-out of Google display ads, head over to the Google Ads Settings page.
  4. Facebook Ads: If you'd prefer not to see targeted ads on Facebook, you can manage your preferences by adjusting your Facebook account ad settings.
  5. General Cookie Management: For comprehensive information on cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how you can manage or delete them, take a look at All About Cookies. Additionally, if you want more general information, you can always conduct an independent search on the internet about cookies.

Contact Us

General Inquiries:

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding our privacy practices or any other aspect of our platform, please reach out to us:

Email: info [at] rimetach. com. cy

No Error Free Performance

While we strive to uphold the highest standards in our privacy practices, we recognize that it is impossible to achieve absolute perfection. Under this Cookies Policy, we cannot guarantee a performance devoid of errors. However, upon identification or being notified of any discrepancies or errors in our compliance with this Cookies Policy, we will act promptly and undertake corrective measures to rectify them.

Under no circumstances will we be held responsible for any incidental, consequential, or punitive damages that arise from or relate to this Cookies Policy.


Should any provision or part of this Cookies Policy be declared void or invalid by a court with appropriate jurisdiction or by an arbitration tribunal, such declaration will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions or parts of this Cookies Policy. The unaffected portions will continue to be valid and remain in full force and effect.


This Cookies Policy is governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Cookies Policy will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Cyprus.

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